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Understanding Skin Tags with Aggie Singh: Types and Treatment with Cryotherapy

Understanding Skin Growths: Types and Cryotherapy Treatment

Skin growths can vary widely in appearance and cause, from benign tags to potentially contagious warts. Recognizing different types of growths and understanding their treatment options, such as cryotherapy, can help manage and remove them effectively.

1. Skin Tags (Acrochordons):

Skin tags are small, soft growths that often appear in areas of friction, such as the neck, armpits, and groin. They are typically benign and painless, but may be bothersome or cosmetically undesirable.

2. Warts:

Warts are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and come in various forms:

- Common Warts (Verruca vulgaris): Rough, raised growths typically found on the hands and fingers.

- Plantar Warts: Hard, grainy growths on the soles of the feet, often causing discomfort while walking.

- Genital Warts: Highly contagious growths that occur on the genital and anal areas, transmitted through sexual contact.

3. Cherry Angiomas:

Cherry angiomas are small, red or purple growths composed of blood vessels. They can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the trunk, arms, and legs. While usually harmless, they may bleed if irritated.

4. Keratosis:

Keratosis refers to various skin conditions characterized by thickened, scaly patches:

- Actinic Keratosis: Rough, scaly patches caused by sun exposure, which may develop into skin cancer if left untreated.

- Seborrheic Keratosis: Non-cancerous growths that can vary in color, texture, and size, often appearing on the face, chest, and back.

5. Sebaceous Hyperplasia:

Sebaceous hyperplasia is a common benign condition characterized by enlarged oil glands, resulting in small yellowish or flesh-colored bumps on the face, especially on the forehead and cheeks.

Treating Skin Growths with Cryotherapy:

Cryotherapy involves freezing the affected tissue with nitrous oxide gas to destroy abnormal cells. It is a commonly used treatment for various skin growths, including those mentioned above.

1. Consultation:

Seek evaluation and diagnosis from a professional to determine the type of skin growth and whether cryotherapy is appropriate.

2. Preparation:

Before the procedure, the treatment area is cleaned and sterilized to reduce the risk of infection.

3. Application of Nitrous Oxide:

Nitrous oxide is applied directly to the growth using a special applicator or swab. The extreme cold temperature freezes the cells, causing them to die.

4. Post-Treatment Care:

Following cryotherapy, the treated area may blister, swell, or become red. This is a normal response and typically resolves within a few days. Follow any post-treatment instructions provided by your healthcare provider to promote healing.

5. Results:

Over time, the treated growth will darken and slough off, revealing new, healthy skin underneath. Multiple cryotherapy sessions may be necessary for complete removal, depending on the size and type of the growth.

Benefits of Cryotherapy:

- Quick and relatively painless procedure

- Minimal scarring compared to surgical methods

- Can be performed in a clinic setting without the need for anesthesia

- Effective for removing multiple growths in one session


Skin growths, such as skin tags, warts, cherry angiomas, keratosis, and sebaceous hyperplasia, can vary in appearance and cause. Cryotherapy offers a safe and effective treatment option, helping to remove these growths and restore smooth, healthy skin. If you're considering cryotherapy for skin growth removal, consult with a dermatologist to discuss the procedure and determine the best course of action for your individual needs.


The Science Behind Your Skin

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