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Are thread veins broken veins?

Thread veins are tiny capillaries, visible below the skin's surface. They are significantly smaller and they tend to look less apparent than varicose veins. Although thread veins don’t usually cause any physical discomfort, they are displeasing and can affect your confidence and morale.

Why do we call them broken veins?

Telangiectasia otherwise known as spider veins may look like broken ones, but they are actually not broken. The cause of thread veins is blood vessels in the skin becoming permanently dilated. Dilation results from the vessels' muscular walls relax, meaning that the vessel widens relaxing or becoming more open – the correct medical term for the widening of blood vessels is ‘vasodilation’.

When the blood vessels dilate, there is increased blood flow, which causes the vein to become more prominent; the diagnosis is thread veins.

What is the main cause of spider veins?

Sun exposure is one of the most common causes of facial veins. Staying in the sun without sunscreen or having sunburns can enlarge and dilate your blood vessels. When your skin experiences sun damage, the top layer of the skin can peel and make the blood vessels directly under the skin more visible. The other common reason for visible capillaries is the incorrect skincare routine. Using harsh soapy cleansers can irritate the natural skin protection barrier called 'the acid mantle'. As a result, the skin produces more oily substance sebum. This can cause pores becoming blocked and redness to appear around them, leading to capillaries surrounding the blocked pores.

Can thread veins be treated?

We are confident we have the safest, permanent treatment for telangiectasia, more commonly referred to as Thread Veins or Spider Veins.

​​Our new technology delivered the results we wanted and has quickly become the acclaimed thread and spider vein treatment by healthcare professionals worldwide.

Our new equipment uses a process known as Thermocoagulation which seals the thread vein walls, causing them to instantly and permanently disappear.

The simple difference between us and our competitors is that a very low current of 4MHz is used during treatment. The low current and the fact that we do not treat the blood means treatment is safe, immediate and simple.

What is the downtime and after-care post Thermavein?

Unlike IPL and Lasers, ThermaVein® cannot cause loss of pigmentation. It treats red spots, a variety of vascular blemishes and troublesome red veins.

Straight after the treatment, there may be some redness and possible raised bumps on the treated area. This will usually subside within a couple of hours.

After treatment, aloe vera gel can be applied to cool and soothe the skin along with an SPF 30 or higher to protect the skin. Avoid direct sunlight for around 1 to 2 weeks. Tiny cat-like scratches may be visible on the surface of the skin during the healing process, this is the body breaking the vein wall down.

Depending on how big the area is the treatment usually lasts between 15 to 30 minutes. If there is a large area to treat then a few sessions may be needed.

What can we treat with Thermavein?

Thermavein can also be used to treat milia, skin tags, Campbell-de-Morgan spots (red dots or bumps), thread veins, vascular blemishes, blackheads, cherry angiomas (blood spots).

Interested in ThermaVein®? BOOK A CONSULTATION

Silesiana Clinic

16 Osborne Street

DN358LB Cleethorpes


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