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Did you know that the second most searched cosmetic phrase is Hair Transplant? Both males and females can be deeply affected by hair thinning or hair loss. Hair is a staple of attractiveness within society. But also, places a big role in the feeling of confidence and mental well-being. For many, hair loss can have devastating effects on self-esteem not to mention feeling trapped when striving for perfection.

What are the main causes of hair loss?

The first and foremost cause is stress. Short-term stress or a little fright experience is fine and sometimes actually needed, but long-term stress where we constantly worry, putting our system under prolonged pressure, will only do harm. Not just against hair loss but every cell of the body.

Apart from psychological imbalance, oxidative stress also plays a big role in skin and hair health. Oxidative stress can be triggered by UV radiation (overexposure can lead to inflammation), but also medication, and smoking which kills antioxidants – the superheroes who fight the scavengers ‘free radicals

Imagine there is no protective barrier on your skin (antioxidants) and you are being hit with particles of broken glass (free radicals) every single day, your skin would suffer over time. This simple analogy can help us understand the damage caused by smoking, UV radiation, and everyday exposure to toxins and pollutants.

Why is my hair thinning?

There are numerous reasons why hair may become thinner. We all age with time and so is the hair. There is no stopping ageing, but we can work on the health aspect and prolong the youth of our cells, organs, skin, and hair. Here comes supplementation. First and foremost, starting with balancing your Omega 6-3 ratio is paramount. Only once your system is in balance with minimal inflammation, can the cells be permeable easily absorbing nutrients and releasing toxins. The worst thing you could do is supplement when your organs aren’t prepared or permeable enough to absorb nutrients. Imagine a cell as a golf ball, hard and incapable of absorption. Once soft and permeable like a sponge, it’s a happy cell helping your system absorb goodies and rid of toxins.

Apart from intercellular reasons, there are extrinsic reasons for hair thinning.

Overuse of cosmetic products like dry shampoo, and hair spray, not brushing your scalp every day, and build-up of sebum (the natural waxy texture), can lead to the closure of hair follicles, blocking the natural moisture-free flow.

Did you know, during Victorian times, it was a must procedure to brush/comb hair using at least 120 strokes every day? This promotes microcirculation, saying this better blood flow, and improved delivery of minerals and all other necessary nutrients close to the surface and eventually hair bulb. 

What are the forms of hair loss?

Alopecia areata loss of hair seen as round, circular missing patches of hair

Alopecia totalis the most severe case, where all hair on the scalp is lost

Alopecia diffuses this is the most treatable condition, where hair is visibly thinner.

Alopecia traction is caused by constant trauma to the skin/scalp, for example, pulling the hair tight in a ponytail over a prolonged time.

What can be done in the clinic to prevent hair thinning?

The most successful treatment is the superficial injectable mesotherapy system. It is used with great success worldwide and in France one of the cosmetic treatments thought to medical professionals. The treatment focuses on micro injections of vital vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that play a major role in skin and hair health.

How often should mesotherapy be done?

Usually with the second treatment, we can see improvement and positive hair growth changes. This can be performed 3 times once every two weeks followed by monthly treatments until happy with the results, usually 6-8 treatments.

Does a hair transplant is my first port of call?

Unfortunately, a hair transplant is an invasive treatment without a guarantee. If the skin ‘accepts’ the transplant, the hair will naturally fall out within 4 years from the procedure, followed by another quite often pricey treatment, until scar tissue forms and no more procedures should/could be done.

How can I support the treatment effect with at-home aftercare?

First and foremost, purchase a brush and stimulate blood microcirculation every day. This can be an inexpensive piece of equipment; they all work the same. Double-cleanse your scalp when shampooing. The first cleanse gets rid of oil, dirt, and all impurities while the second cleanse keeps your skin clean. Keep your scalp clean and free from pathogens with Hypo21 skin spray, this is a natural product promoting clean skin without irritation helping soothe any inflammation usually associated with hair thinning. Apart from shampooing and massaging, investigate supplementation. Omega3 Balance Oil is a must when working on scalp health helping cell permeability as well as vitamin B9 and B7. Folic acid and Biotin are precursors to keratin formation the main building block of hair. Look into your healthy diet making sure there are healthy green leafy vegetables best taken raw every day like spinach and avocado – which is your glutathione – amino acids that protect you from oxidative stress.

Aggie Singh - advanced aesthetician

16 Osborne Street, Cleethorpes
